Quitting your job? Your manager might initiate the Stay Interview

The New Trend Is the "Stay Interview"

Obviously you have to go through at least one interview to land a job, and a lot of companies ask departing employees to sit for an exit interview. But the Great Resignation has focused employers on retention, and some of them are trying the "stay interview."

Basically, managers sit down with people who haven't quit and try to learn how to keep their people happy -- or at least happy enough to hang around. If your boss asks you to sit for a stay interview, here are some things you might encounter:

  • Stay interviews are informal. They're not going to get honest answers out of you unless you feel comfortable talking about what you like and what you don't. 
  • You'll get questions like... "What excites you to come into work?" "What do you want to do more or less of?" "If you were manager for a day, what would you do differently?"
  • You might be asked what would make you leave. Workers have more power than they've had in many years, and bosses will want to fix things if they can.
  • Follow-up. If your manager is paying more than lip service to this process, they'll actually try to help you with stuff like connecting with your company's peer-mentoring group or finding out about tuition reimbursement.

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